Friday, April 22, 2011


     So, we recently got some pictures back that we had taken of Kalli and I chose one to be the desktop on my computer.  It is a close up of her sweet face and I noticed that in her beautiful eyes you can see a reflection of the people that were standing there when the picture was taken, two of them being her daddy and me.  It made me think about how she will be a reflection of us and how we, as Christians, are a reflection of Christ. 
     As her parents, it is our responsibility to help guide her and mold her into the person that she should be, but most importantly we have the responsibility of teaching her about God and what He has done for us.  I pray often that Kalli will completely fall in love with God and follow the path He has chosen for her.  
     As you know, I recently met my donor family.  I was going to blog about it, but haven’t because there really are no words to describe how that day and experience felt, but when I think about reflections my mind goes to Anthony Paul, my donor.  I can’t help but think about how he grew to become the young man that he was.  I know that his family was proud of him, especially his mother, and I know that he wouldn’t have been the wonderful person that he was without her guidance.  His mother told me that he was a Christian, and also that it was his decision to donate his organs.  I can’t think of a better way to reflect the giving spirit of Christ, than the gift that Anthony Paul gave to me and many others.  
     This weekend we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, and I find myself thinking about my reflection of Him to the world.  He is the best gift that was ever given to us.  He made the ultimate sacrifice for us all when He died for our sins.  So, I have to stop and ask myself if just as I can see Preston and myself in the reflection of Kalli’s eyes, can others see the reflection of Christ in my life?