Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Friday Like No Other

This Friday will be like no other, because this Friday I will finally get to meet the family of my organ donor.  This family has been a part of my life since June 11, 2006 and I have never met them.  That day in their life was a time of tragedy and loss, and yet they chose to give to someone else. I have so many thoughts running through my head about this meeting, but the main thing is I want them to know what an amazing gift they gave me.  I wouldn’t be here without the decision they made to donate.   God used them to allow me to have another chance at life and I will forever be thankful for them.  
I know that God will be a part of the meeting on Friday, just as He was there with them when they made the decision to donate and He was there with me in the operating room.  The only thing I can say for sure about Friday is that it will be emotional.  I pray that it will go smoothly and that God will give me the words to convey my gratitude to this special family. I look forward to learning about the boy who will always be a part of my life.  
If you don’t mind, please say a prayer for all of us involved in the meeting on Friday, and if you aren’t an organ donor, please take the time to sign up.  April is Donate Life month, so it would be a great time to make the choice that could change someone’s life forever.  Every 11 minutes another name is added to the national transplant waiting list, as someone who has been on that list I am asking you to please sign up to be a donor.  All you have to do is visit and complete a simple form.  Thank you in advance for making the decision to donate.   

1 comment:

  1. You are in my prayers today. I thank God for them too for allowing my best friend to experience life and now motherhood. I love you!

